
Hi! I’m Ashley.

I live in London with my husband Rupert and 2 y.o. daughter. I am (finally!) pregnant with my second who is due in January 2021. I’ve lived in London for 6 years and am originally from California. I went to USC and majored in theatre. I strongly believe in the healing and connecting power of telling stories, especially women’s stories.

I was well-educated and well-prepared for my first London birth, accounting for many possibilities, but I didn’t expect the systemic issues of global maternal healthcare systems to have to be included in my birth plan. It was a messy 4 day long labour that ended in a botched c-section and 30 days of sepsis. I saw the underbelly of a medical institution that I never, ever want to see again, and I never want another mother to see. 

2.5 years later, I have fallen pregnant… in the middle of a pandemic. In my hopes and quest for a vBAC, alongside my own healing, I have found how important it is for our stories to be seen and heard. Especially when so many birth stories include situations where women aren’t seen and heard. Our stories are important. We matter.

I want to see and hear women. I want to share your story.

ps, I’m really glad you’re here. 

xo, Ashley
